Ready to get your inner critic to quiet down?
Sign up for the Challenge
Your journey to a quieter inner critic starts here!
Are you tired of…
- Beating yourself up
- Lacking confidence
- Feeling stuck in an endless of loop of critiques
- Letting your self-doubts control how you show up
- And talking yourself out of taking on opportunities?
Are you ready to…
- Have the ability to break those negative loops
- Be kinder to yourself
- Give your inner supporter a voice
- Feel more confident
- And embrace the opportunities that cross your path?
Then this 4-week challenge is for you!
Each week you’ll receive bite-sized coaching tips, tools, and insights straight to your inbox to help you turn the tide on your inner critic.
We’ll cover:
- The different types of negative self-talk.
- How to turn the tide on that stream of negativity.
- The questions to ask to keep your inner critic in check.
- And ways to be kinder to yourself.